Wednesday, November 9, 2022

A Modest Proposal

 To expand the percentage of eligible voters who actually cast ballots, we might try adding a "None of the Above" option to the ballot for every office to be filled.

We of course would have to work out how to fill or otherwise handle the vacant office that would result from that option winning a plurality of the votes case for the office but that would be possible as well as preferable to filling the position with any of the rejected candidates.. 

Monday, April 8, 2019

Rethinking the Political Landscape

The current crop of declared Demorat presidential candidates is forcing me to reconsider my view of the Republicon Party as the stupid one. 

Almost all of those competing to lead the jackass collective in 2020 are moronic would-be panderers who suffer from delusions of adequacy and a great surfeit of undeserved self-esteem. 

As far as presidential timber is concerned, their collective real- world accomplishments, common sense, and IQ doesn’t come close to totaling those of a single tree trunk.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

America Today

We look down on and spurn as uncool Christians and Christianity.  We despise and treat with scorn Judaism and the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel. We reject the values of what used to be known as Western Civilization, and have nothing but contempt for our nation's founding fathers and turn our backs on the freedoms they bequeathed to us.  

But fear not . . . all is well as we look for advice, guidance, and leadership on public policy and politics to airhead entertainment celebrities and view with fondness the former president who distinguished himself (and gave a whole new meaning to affairs of state) by conducting the nation's business in the oval office while having his penis serviced in the mouth of a kneeling young intern.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Suicidal Media

Neither Trump nor any other critic has undermined and is continuing to undermine the press. Instead, the formerly mainstream media and their supposed journalist have forfeited the trust and credibility on which the fourth estate was based . . . and they did so intentionally by abandoning any claim or even pretense to be trying to report news fairly and objectively. That former goal was sacrificed in exchange for the open promotion of ideological and partisan agendas and goals. 

We now have a lamestream media staffed by jounalice who -- instead of reporting news and leaving members of their audience to make up their own minds about matters of public concern -- have joined the progressive/liberal juggernaut. Conceitedly assuming a superior elitist position they presume themselves to be capable  and entitled to instruct the rest of us on what it is right and proper to think, say, and believe, and how to act.

The press that once functioned to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable now has joined and supports the comfortable while despising and adding to the afflictions of the afflicted.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Reflecting on the Accidental Sorry Footnote to History that Obama Already Has Become

Posturing and bloviating were his only talents and his constant self-centered displays of them became very tiresome as it quickly became evident that he suffered from a surfeit of unearned and undeserved self esteem and confidence.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Requiem for Hillary . . . and Why I Nixed Her

     It wasn’t just disagreeing with her fluid and ever changing political agenda and views, the buzz about Obama’s record being on the ballot, or that she:

·        Was given to recalling with humor employment of technical legal tricks in the early days of her legal career to get a young girl’s rapist acquitted by further degrading and besmirching the victim,

·        Was a foul-mouthed and unlikeable shrew,

·        Behaved rudely and with contempt toward everyone whose support she didn’t need and viewed as beneath or subservient to her, and

·        Probably was responsible for the murderous assault on the Branch Davidian compound at Waco, Texas.

Instead, it was the basic character she exhibited by using her power (whenever she had some) to treat innocent individuals with calculated cruel brutality when it suited her purposes to do so.

       For example, there was her overseeing and directing a phalanx of private eye goons who intimidated her philandering sexual predatory husband’s victims into remaining silent when their accounts might have threatened his quest for the presidency.

       Then, upon moving into the White House, she sought to disguise the actual motive for the permissible replacement of the White House travel office with political cohorts by falsely accusing the ousted individuals of having engaged in criminal activity.  After she succeeded in actually getting those people prosecuted, a jury took about two hours to find and declare them not guilty of any crime.

       Finally, there was her standing over the coffins in which the Benghazi dead were returned to the United States and cynically relating to the mourning family members the cover story that their loved ones had been killed by a mob protesting a Muslim defaming video.  She did this to further her political goals even though she was well aware that the dead had been killed in planned, prepared, and heavily armed terrorist attack.

       In short, I voted against historically installing into the oval office an individual likely to become an American female version of Caligula in exercising the powers of that office.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

An Insular Faux Universe

The feckless, flailing, and failing media that used to occupy the mainstream are replete with polling reports that the great orator continues to enjoy high favorability ratings as he nears the end of his tenure in the oval office.  Nobody seems to recall his having stated that the record of his presidency would be on the ballot in the election in which that record was repudiated.

Furthermore, those reports reflect findings by the same polling organizations that just weeks ago were forecasting that Mrs. Clinton was sure to win election to the very same office by a landslide – a predicted outcome that would have been viewed as an endorsement of the Obama presidency.

There is a reason that those reports and the polls on which they are based are so far off the mark.

Neither facts nor the actual opinions of ordinary citizens intrude into the impenetrable bubble that the leaders of our corrupt institutions, pollsters, and the media journalice have erected for themselves.  By making it politically and socially unacceptable to express views differing from their own, these elitists ensure that few citizens will tell pollsters anything the elitists disdain and don’t want to hear.  Thus, the bubble is like a hall of mirrors with only internally generated politically correct voices and images bouncing around, constantly feeding back and reinforcing the views of the bubble’s occupants. With their smug self esteem and confidence, they fully deserve one another in the insular faux universe of their own creation.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Remembering Pearl Harbor and a Far Better America

 An excellent very moving remembrance of the notable but now scarcely marked Pearl Harbor attack was published by the online City Journal on December 2.  The essay, by City Journal's managing editor, Paul Beston, can be accessed at:

To me, the notable thing about the essay is  the clear and dismaying contrast it portrays  of the America that experienced and responded to the Pearl Harbor attack and the one  we currently inhabit.  I view the following excerpt from the piece as particularly significant, chilling, and sad:

After 9/11, plans got underway nearly immediately for a memorial, and commemoration ceremonies have been held on every anniversary. By contrast, in the years immediately after Pearl Harbor, while the date was noted and some ceremonies conducted, winning the war took precedence. In 1943, FDR made this clear when he vetoed a bill declaring December 7 Armed Services Honor Day. In a message to Congress, he explained why: "Dec. 7, two years ago, is a day that is remembered in this country as one of infamy on the part of a treacherous enemy. The day itself requires no reminder, and its anniversary should rather serve to cause all the people of the nation to increase their efforts contributing to the successful prosecution of the war."

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

On Trump Giving Hillary a Pass

The betrayal begins . . . signaling perpetuation and institutionalization of one set of laws for ordinary citizens and the exemption therefrom of our ruling oligarchs.

The swamp won't be drained under such faux leadership.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Longest Minute Observation

D Day is accurately and deservedly recognized as The Longest Day.

Equally accurate and deserving is The Longest Minute routinely experienced by computer users watching the progress of Microsoft software updates and experiencing the passage of time after the screen shows the  time remaining to complete the process as being one minute or less than a minute.

Monday, October 10, 2016

How the Clintons and Trump Differ

Let’s be clear about what’s going on in the political arena that has those who assume a right to rule there in high dudgeon with their knickers in a bunch.   

It has become known that the often boorishly offensive Donald Trump some years ago engaged in some sadly too common macho locker room talk that was ugly, vulgar, and lewd.

But he did no one any harm.

That is far different and less significant than what for years was done by the accused rapist and serial philanderer that Hillary Clinton spent years enabling.  Her spouse did real physical, mental, and emotional harm to numerous female victims. Mrs. Clinton routinely followed up on his doing so by quelling what the Clinton crowd referred to as “bimbo eruptions.”  She did that – often with the assistance of thuggish private eye goons that she hired and supervised -- by intimidating her hubby’s victims into remaining silent, thus egregiously re-inflicting, renewing, and exacerbating the injuries initially cause by her spouse.

Why are members of those who presume a right to rule and their supporters silent about that?

Comey Outed as Scum Corrupting FBI in Government Cesspool

Mr. James Comey, Director
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
I am writing regarding your public statement in July, 2016 informing the American people that the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton was being closed without referring it to a Federal Grand Jury or the Attorney General of the U. S. for a decision whether or not to indict her. Strangely, you eloquently laid out enough of the evidence deduced from the investigation to strongly indicate there was abundant evidence uncovered during the investigation and interview of her to not only indict but to convict her in Federal Court. However, you personally re-worded and soft-pedaled the actions she took as Secretary of State describing her actions as "extremely careless” in using a personal email and un-secured server for her communications while Secretary of State. You rewrote the statute, which is not your job.
As a retired Special Agent of the FBI, I have standing to write this letter. My thirty years in law enforcement, including 22 years as a Special Agent with the FBI have given me the knowledge, expertise and experience to question and confront you for your perplexing actions, which (as you well know) were outside the normal standard operating procedure of the FBI and Federal judicial procedures. Some of the finest people in the world proudly carry the credentials of FBI Agent and you have soiled them and not allowed them to speak. But I will not be silent.
Sorry, but NO SIR, MS Clinton was not merely careless or extremely careless. She was not even negligent or grossly negligent (as the statute requires). Hillary Clinton was knowingly purposeful in her decisions and actions to set up a server under her exclusive control and possession in order to control what information was available to the American public and Congress regarding her actions as Secretary of State. Furthermore, she took those government owned communications into her personal possession after leaving her position and knowingly and willingly attempted to destroy them so her nefarious actions could never be known or used as evidence of her corrupt moral character against her.
Sir, what possessed you? Did you cave in to political pressure to unilaterally come to this decision? I fear that is the case, and Rule of Law be damned. I am embarrassed for and ashamed of you. You have set a precedent that can never be rectified….and certainly not justified. Shame on you, Sir. You ought to resign right now in disgrace for what you have done to tarnish the reputation of the finest Law Enforcement Agency in the world…. for entirely political reasons.
Normally, an investigation will be assigned to an agent, or team of agents with one being the Case agent, or the lead investigator. When the investigation is complete, an investigative report will be presented to the U.S. Attorney for the Federal District involved. It would be the U.S. Attorney who decides whether to decline prosecution for that investigation….NOT the FBI agent. But in the Clinton investigation, YOU (unilaterally) decided not to forward the investigation to the U.S. Attorney or the Attorney General of the U.S. but, instead, personally made the decision not to prosecute her or even provide the information to a Federal Grand Jury. You were wrong to take this upon yourself.
Sir, in order to indict a subject, only a preponderance of evidence , or 51% is needed for probable cause to exist. You did not think even that level of probability existed? Who do you think you are fooling? What judicial proceeding did you think you were following? Throughout my years with the FBI, I (along with my fellow agents) took great pride in conducting each investigation in an unbiased manner regardless of the subject’s position or standing in the community. All were treated equally under the law. But you, Sir, decided to allow this corrupt, evil and nasty human being to go free and unchallenged for her treasonous actions (yes, treasonous, in my opinion) which threatened the security of this nation.
Furthermore, you stopped short of investigating the Clinton Foundation as a RICO case (Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organization. This is a RICO case if there ever was one. Even an untrained person can tell from the communications which were recovered that Hillary Clinton spent more time working for the Clinton Foundation while Secretary of State than on State Business. It may be argued that Hillary did not do any State business UNLESS the Clinton Foundation benefited. You decided to just let this uncomfortable truth alone without addressing it.
I will conclude with this: Following my retirement from the FBI, I volunteered for a 12 month tour of duty in Afghanistan as a Law Enforcement Professional, embedded with U.S. forces as a subject matter expert in counter-terrorism investigations. For most of that year I operated “outside the wire” patrolling with the troops, interviewing witnesses to IED incidents and gathering evidence on the bad guys. The results of my work would then be reported through secure channels to the Commanding Officer. All reports and communications were required to be transmitted via secure and encrypted devices. Occasionally my remote location in the mountains of Afghanistan made transmission impossible and I would have to fly back to Bagram Air Base in order to securely report to the Commander of the battle space.
It would have been convenient if I could have just called the Commander on my personal cell phone or written him an email on my personal laptop. But, had I done so I would have been reporting classified information via an unsecured device and it could have been compromised. These were, relative to Secretary of State communications, low level classifications of Secret. Had I ever sent even one in such a manner I would have been prosecuted and sent to Federal Prison for 20 years or so. That is how serious this violation is considered.
Now, because of you, Hillary Clinton is allowed to continue her RICO activities and is running for President of the United States, the most powerful position in the world. You have trampled on the Rule of Law and destroyed the trust of the American people in the FBI and in unbiased enforcement of the law. How do you sleep at night? It is time for you to go and work for the Clinton Foundation.
Hugh W.Galyean
(FBI Agent, Retired)