Sunday, August 17, 2008

Another CBS News Pratfall

A supposedly humorous lackwit commentator at CBS News was on the air this morning displaying the depth of his ignorance by equating Russia's violation of the sovereignty of the Republic of Georgia with what he referred to as the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

Perhaps he is too young, too unread, and too ignorant to know that:

* The U.S. initially led a multinational force against Iraq in response to, and to repel an invasion of Kuwait by Iraq.

Does CBS News think Georgia invaded a neighboring country?

* Iraq made certain commitments in connection with the cessation of the above-mentioned hostilities and despite repeated demands and warnings failed to honor those commitments.

What commitments does CBS News believe were made and breached by the Republic of Georgia?

* The second U.S. led coalition attack on Iraq followed Iraq's ignoring repeated UN resolutions calling for it to abide by the above-mentioned commitments.

Can CBS News cite any UN resolutions calling on the Republic of Georgia to do anything and/or any failure by Georgia to meet any such resolutions or any international commitments whatsoever?

* Iraq was governed by a brutal dictator whose regime routinely tortured and killed vast numbers of the country's citizens.

Does CBS News believe the democratically elected government of the Republic of Georgia was merely a cover for a similar regime or that similar atrocities were taking place within Georgia?

* U.S. and numerous other nations' intelligence agencies during the Clinton Administration as well as during the current one concluded prior to the second Gulf War that Iraq had and/or was developing weapons of mass destruction.

What comparable intelligence information regarding the Republic of Georgia does CBS News possess? (One might simply ask whether CBS News possesses any intelligence at all.)

The inescapable conclusion from the foregoing is that CBS News's commenting mental midget was just stretching for a way to be cute and politically correct by blaming the U.S. for something and bad mouthing the Bush administration.

Cute, hunh?

Nope . . . not cute . . . just stupidly displaying and fostering stupidity.

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