Thursday, August 6, 2009

Exciting Days Ahead for California

The following is from a very experienced and extraordinarily intelligent law enforcement officer:

Californians nervously brace for the onslaught:

A series of lawsuits against the State California, some dating back more than a decade, finally came to a crescendo today [Wednesday, August 5]:

A federal, three-judge panel has ruled that California must release 43,000 of its 150,000 incarcerated criminals, nearly one-third of the state's prison population! This represents the latest punch-line in the joke we call "modern government."

How all these premature releases will be accomplished is currently up in the air, but the mandate is set, and the state, though utterly bankrupt,will have to comply.

If past experience is any guide, several eventualities are beyond doubt:

1. Most discharged inmates will re-offend within weeks of release, creating a whole new generation of victims.

2. As a result, most re-offending inmates will then be re-convicted and sent right back, probably to the same prison from whence they came, resulting in the same overcrowding that generated the "problem" in the first place.

In the end, nothing will change, except that a bunch of new, innocent people will be harmed, robbed, raped, maimed, and murdered, who never would have been victimized otherwise!

As with most taxpayers, I don't like the fact that millions are spent on building, staffing, and maintaining prisons. But, it is undeniably money well spent!

Every minute these criminals are locked up, they are not out committing crimes, at least among the general public. Most are destined to die in prison, and that is probably the best than can be expected from their worthless lives. The only real purpose for prisons is to protect the public, not create a cushy life for convicts.

"Rehabilitation" is a term we've naively invented to describe a non-existent phenomenon. No such thing ever takes place, in prisons, nor anywhere else! Crime is a habit, and habitual criminals need to be locked up permanently. The instant they get out, they re-offend, without fail.

Again, neither federal judges, nor most other politicians, give a damn about public safety, insulated as they are behind an army of heavily-armed bodyguards. In fact, there is apparently no limit to the amount of our money they are willing to spend protecting/insulating themselves!

Meanwhile, we ordinary, law-abiding, taxpaying peons are on our own! We can expect nothing. We are expendable pawns in political games, every bit as much as are all these newly-released inmates!

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