Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Some Other Guy In The Oval Office

A fictional habitual criminal in a mystery story I read year ago claimed complete innocence every time he was arrested, proclaiming in each of the multitude of such instances that "some other guy did it."

He did this so often that he came to be known as "Other Guy."

Now that the buck for none of America's many travails no longer stops at the White House, we perhaps should consider referring to the community organizer in chief as "Some Other Guy."

According to him, the government's debt, which has swelled by several orders of magnitude during his administration. is the responsibility of  some other guy. So too is the extended stagnation of our economy. The same is the case with respect to the horrendous and worsening unemployment rate with no end in sight. Americans being forced from their homes amid the ongoing waves of mortgage foreclosures should blame some other guy. Is it the same other guy or some other other guy who is responsible for our high gas prices and inflation? And still another other guy must be looked to, along with the Republicans, the rating agency, the Japanese earthquake, the tea party participants,  and who knows who and what else -- perhaps the mad hatter or the white rabbit -- for having caused the unprecedented downgrade of the government's credit rating. And of course some other guy is responsible for the federal government's out of control spending and the fact that it  for several years has been and currently still is operating without a budget and under continuing resolutions.

An administration that disclaims responsibility for anything and everything needs to be viewed as irresponsible. And its time for Americans to realize that if they want a responsible leader they really need to elect some other guy (or some gal) to the oval office. 

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