Neither Trump nor any other critic has undermined and is
continuing to undermine the press. Instead, the formerly mainstream media and
their supposed journalist have forfeited the trust and credibility on which the
fourth estate was based . . . and they did so intentionally by abandoning any
claim or even pretense to be trying to report news fairly and objectively. That
former goal was sacrificed in exchange for the open promotion of ideological
and partisan agendas and goals.
We now have a lamestream media staffed by
jounalice who -- instead of reporting news and leaving members of their
audience to make up their own minds about matters of public concern -- have
joined the progressive/liberal juggernaut. Conceitedly assuming a superior elitist position
they presume themselves to be capable and entitled to instruct the rest of us on
what it is right and proper to think, say, and believe, and how to act.
The press that once functioned to comfort the afflicted and
afflict the comfortable now has joined and supports the comfortable while
despising and adding to the afflictions of the afflicted.