Tuesday, February 17, 2009

National Socialism's Beneficiaries

Our National Socialist government in development is buying the allegiance of the nation's major financial institutions and industrial concerns.

The auto makers and General Electric are lining up behind the financial institutions for the second round of distributions from the public treasury. Here's an account of what some of these fat cats got in the first go around from the tax dollars that we paid and that we, our children, and our great grandchildren will pay:

The Geithner-Reid-Pelosi troika rules the Washington roost. And they're on a roll. But, we have tens of millions of hardworking Americans who aren't too crazy about being told to hand over their meager wages to a bunch of coiffured guys in Gucci shoes and tailored suits who wine and dine the politicians and stick the taxpayer with the tab.”

And how much, exactly is that tab – a tab about to be presented to the average Joe and Jane making $32,000 a year and fearing for their jobs 24/7/365? Well, it's anyone's guess what the troika will try to hand their well-healed friends in the financial industry in the upcoming Battle of the Banking Bailout – but here's what the politicians' paly-walies got in the last TARP go-around:

Bank of America Corporation: 

Bank of New York Mellon Corporation: 

Citigroup Inc.: $25,000,000,000

JPMorgan Chase & Co.: 

Morgan Stanley:

State Street Corporation: 

The Goldman Sachs Group,Inc.: 

Wells Fargo & Company: 


Those figures are from the GAO's January, 2009. Report to Congressional Committees. You can look it up for yourself if you want – it's at http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d09296.pdf. But, let me warn you to hold your nose. It stinks. Especially when you consider that most of those Big Bank boffos then refused to say what they did with the money. And told the average guy to take a hike.

An exaggeration? Well, check around with your neighbors to see if any of them got a cash – or credit – infusion from the Big 8. In fact, check your own nest egg. See any “With Love from JP or Mr. Sachs” promissory notes in there?

Of course you don't. And you won't. According to the Associated Press, your grand take from the just-passed “stimulus” boondoggle will come to a whopping $8 next year -- out of nearly a trillion dollars in new government spending. And don't expect your share of the bank bailout to even come close to that measly stipend.

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