Thursday, August 19, 2010

Under Attack but Dangerously Oblivious, Ignorant, and Supine

As uncomfortable as it may be to recognize the fact, neither western civilization nor our country is indestructible. In fact both may be destroyed in a war that a relentless enemy has long been waging and is continuing to wage in an effort to do just that.

Sadly, the poseurs who currently pass for leaders refuse to recognize the nature of the conflict, preferring to deal with the pretend world in which they would prefer to live rather than the one all of us actually inhabit.  These 'leaders' -- actually virtually all of the members of our elite ruling class --  do not believe in any of the values that used to underlie western civilization or, at least, they do not believe in those values strongly enough to defend or fight for them . . . and they want all of us to share their torpor and behave as they do.

Those with the fortitude to understand the ongoing attacks against our country and way of life as well as the identity and nature of our adversaries would do well to read a book entitled The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order by Samuel Huntington. Alternatively, those without the time or inclination to read the full work might glean some useful insights from this very brief synopsis of the comprehensive work together with another writer's views.

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