Friday, December 24, 2010

Screw the Nervy Islamic Hypocrites

Here is a Christmas Eve news report:

Imam to tour nation promoting NYC Islamic center

From Associated Press
December 24, 2010 6:52 PM EST

NEW YORK (AP) — The Muslim cleric who hopes to build an Islamic center near the World Trade Center site said Friday that he'll tour the country in an effort "to inspire interfaith understanding" for a project that has ignited explosive faceoffs between supporters and opponents.

"The major purpose is to make people aware of what America means as a country that protects the right to freedom of religion," Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf told The Associated Press.
American Muslims like himself, he said, "can play an important role as interlocutors between the United States and the Muslim world."

If the imam really wants to "inspire interfaith understanding" he would better spend his time touring the Islamic world and suggest that his coreligionists there permit Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, etc., to practice their faiths and establish their places of worship  there. While he is at it, he might even suggest that non Muslims foolish enough to wish to do so be permitted to visit Mecca and that the faithful in Iraq stop killing Christians and other non Muslims there.  

Absent such changes in the Islamic world,  interfaith understanding is and will remain a fraud . . . a one way scam.

Unless and until the supposedly moderate imam is prepared to, and does promote such changes among his fellow Muslims in their homelands he and his proposed 9/11 ground zero Islamic center can just pound sand. And as the Middle East hellholes in which the Islamic crazies and craziness originated have sand in abundance, wouldn't it be a wonderful blessing if they would just go back and pound it there?


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