Friday, September 26, 2014

Noteworthy Truth

Political language is designed 
to make lies sound truthful.
. . . George Orwell

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Statists' Exit Blocking Impulse

With  productive citizens and businesses leaving America in record numbers, the authoritarian currently running the U.S. -- those whose actions have motivated the departures  -- now are looking frantically for ways block the exits.

They are pursuing the enactment of legal barriers to make it financially impractical for business enterprises to relocate their headquarters and domiciles outside the country.  Many such barriers already are in place for individuals.

Blocking the exits to confine inhabitants apparently is easier and preferable to restoring the environment and culture in which emigrants and potential emigrants used to, and again could live and thrive happily and comfortably.

The exit blocking impulse appears to come naturally to statists like those who not long ago erected and maintained the Berlin Wall. 

Underlying the impulse is a mindset . . . the mindset of slavers and slaveholders . . . in which inhabitants are not free citizens entitled to live where and how they wish but resources (a.k.a. slaves) to be exploited.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Fair's Fair on Racial Investigations

The U.S. Department of JustUs, under and at the direction of the hustling race-card playing A.G. Eric Holder, is embarking on an investigation of the racial policies and practices of the Ferguson, Missouri, police department.

Fair enough . . . although it appears that the results of the 'investigation" have been predetermined by the dishonorable Mr. Holder.

But if for no other reason than to present a comprehensive appearance of even-handed fairness, we also ought to have a simultaneous investigation of the racial polices and practices of Mr. Holder's department . . . and have it done by a competent and truly independent counsel.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Elegance and Beauty


and if possible go to full screen.

Peacetime Defined

Peacetime:  One of those brief periods in history when everyone stops shooting to rest up and reload.

Miracle Worker Exposed by Reality

. . . and this predated ISIS and Putin's post reset aggressions against Ukraine.

For a further dose of reality, view and think about the following post.

Fantasies and Illusions of a Peaceful World

The following is from John S. Farnam, a veteran combat officer who is one of America's foremost defensive shooting and personal security instructors, s longtime law enforcement officer, and frequently an expert court witness on use of force issues:

War, from now on!

"Don't worry, be happy..."
                       . . . From the song of the same title, 
                     recorded by Bobby McFerrin in 1988

Enough contemporary fantasy!  Now let's listen to James Madison:

"'Universal peace.'  It is to be feared!  It is in the catalogue  of events which will never exist, except in the imaginations of visionary philosophers, or the breasts of benevolent enthusiasts."

Today, we call naive visionary philosophers and benevolent enthusiasts "liberals"

I wonder how much support he would have garnered, if FDR had referred to Imperial Japan of 1941 as "radical Japanese extremists," and, in the wake of their sneak-attack on Pearl Harbor, weakly, hesitatingly indicated that his only  real goal was to trim back Imperial Japan to a "manageable problem!"

Even sleazy leftist, David Cameron in the UK, has the courage to call for the absolute destruction of ISIS.  No "management" for him!

Three-hundred more American "advisors" are now being feebly re-sent to Iraq, after being prematurely withdrawn.  All this, despite repeated
dishonest promises of "no boots on the ground."  I'm sure they're all  wearing wingtips!

Over here, BHO, surrounded by a gaggle of aging frat-boys, none of whom have ever had a real job, and who have no concept of military operations,
appears confused, disinterested, and wants only for the American public to ignore the disintegrating foreign situation, so they can concentrate on his liberal domestic agenda, which, of course, has failed at every turn.  But,
for overconfident liberals, unwavering loyalty to leftist dogma is always more important than actual outcomes.

Nonetheless,  we're continuously assured that soon we'll all be living  in a liberal paradise, where no one ever does any work and only Democrats get
elected.  Unfortunately, few of us will be living at all, and the New Dark Age will be anything but a "paradise."

Still, such drivel is music to the naive ears of the forty percent of our  "work force" that does no work, that is permanently, willfully unemployed,
indeed unemployable, and has been for generations.  Eking out a living on an endless buffet of government handouts designed to keep them perpetually unproductive, their sole function in life is to vote for Democrats.

That is the liberal "legacy" we've inherited.

"Nothing is so permanent as a 'temporary' government program."
                                                . . . Milton Friedman

Meanwhile, the rest of the civilized world is disintegrating at a frightening pace.  Pitiable islands of Western Civilization are being  snuffed-out one by one.  We, and what is left of the rest of Western  Civilization, will shortly be presented with the unsavory "choice" of living  under Putin's Communists, or ISIS' Islamic "purity."  Curiously, neither  entity (nor BHO himself) likes our Second Amendment, not yet completely  destroyed by liberals (through no fault of their own).  I'm sure that comes  as a big surprise!

In this world, civilizations come and go.  Ours is teetering!

"You may leave here for four days in space.  But, when you return,  it's the same old place!"
                                . . . From "Eve of Destruction," protest 
                         song, written in 1965 by PF Sloan.
                        (Most famous rendition was  Barry 

                             McGuire's, from the same year.)