Thursday, September 11, 2014

Statists' Exit Blocking Impulse

With  productive citizens and businesses leaving America in record numbers, the authoritarian currently running the U.S. -- those whose actions have motivated the departures  -- now are looking frantically for ways block the exits.

They are pursuing the enactment of legal barriers to make it financially impractical for business enterprises to relocate their headquarters and domiciles outside the country.  Many such barriers already are in place for individuals.

Blocking the exits to confine inhabitants apparently is easier and preferable to restoring the environment and culture in which emigrants and potential emigrants used to, and again could live and thrive happily and comfortably.

The exit blocking impulse appears to come naturally to statists like those who not long ago erected and maintained the Berlin Wall. 

Underlying the impulse is a mindset . . . the mindset of slavers and slaveholders . . . in which inhabitants are not free citizens entitled to live where and how they wish but resources (a.k.a. slaves) to be exploited.

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