Saturday, August 30, 2008

All We Need to Know

As I was dozing off last night it occurred to me that we already know everything necessary to decide on how to vote in the presidential election in November.

The Democrat ticket is made up of two lawyers, one of whom also is married to a lawyer.

The Republican standard bearers are a former military officer who served with distinction and heroism, and an authentic American frontier woman, a mother of five who, in addition to caring for her family, hunts, fishes, flies airplanes, and also cleaned up a lawyer created political corruption mess in her home state.

Lawyers are good at talking, debating, and manipulating symbols (as well as peoples' emotions).

Ordinary people live in and understand the real world. They deal with reality and do real things.

That says it all.

(Note for Full and Fair Disclosure: K.R. is a lawyer although he prefers to describe himself as a recovering attorney or one in rehab.)

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