Saturday, November 15, 2008

Follow the Money: See Who Gets the Big Bailout Bucks

Hey fellow suckers, the answer is simple.

Those who buy the Congress get the money. Look at it as superb returns on the five and six figure bribes a.k.a. campaign contributions to members of the political elites.

Ordinary people who can't or are unwilling to buy members of Congress in sufficient numbers are left to survive or go under on their own. Big corporations, big labor unions, and a few fat cat individuals reap several hundred or even several thousand times what they expend to get and keep their favorite public officials ensconced in comfy public offices. The rest of us are to quiescently continue paying our taxes to keep the gravy train moving on their circular tracks.
In case you haven't figured it out, that's why we don't have a tax code simple enough to be understood even by the chairman of the committee responsible for it. Constant tinkering with the Internal Revenue Code means millions for the bribe givers while the ability to keep changing the code's details enables the bribe takers to keep their donors in line.

Now the bribers are raising the ante. No longer satisfied with millions upon millions of dollars in little noticed subsidies, they want and are getting tens of billions of our tax dollars in direct cash infusions. We provide the swill and our lawmakers keep it circulating among themselves and those who buy their favors.

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