Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wish the President Elect Well and Hope for the Best but Prepare for the Worst

As visitors to this site are aware, Barack Obama was not my choice for the presidency -- I supported and voted for Sarah Palin and the hapless guy with whom she was running. I have had and continue to have serious concerns about what the Obama presidency may portend for the country.

These concerns are wide ranging -- everything from our individual freedoms and liberties, national defense, foreign policy, and what little remains of the free market economy that -- notwithstanding the current severe downturn -- has given Americans an unprecedented level of widespread prosperity. All these may be risk and seriously threatened.

Nonetheless, the voters have made their choice. It was a clear one. That was their right and we all will live with the result.

I, for one, wish the President Elect well. I hope his administration will be a wise and moderate one. As a conservative, I will endeavor to cooperate and compromise with his policies to the extent it is possible to do so without in the least yielding on matters of principle or support for, and adherence to the Constitution. That will be my line in the sand if these things are threatened as some of the campaign rhetoric of the President Elect indicated they would be.

The conduct of the Republican party and the role of the press in what has transpired and their respective future courses are serious matters to be considered and dealt with in the coming days.

For now, I am -- and would have others -- hoping and working for the best while at the same time preparing for the worst.

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