Friday, January 29, 2010

Unlimited Debt; Budget Freeze Joke Not Slowing Spending Express

The clownish scum currently performing in what once was referred to as the greatest deliberative body in the world yesterday voted to raise the illusory ceiling on the national debt. Thus they averted (for the time being) a default by our banana republic government on its staggering financial obligations.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if every time any of us neared a personal credit card payment due date we simply could increase the limit on the account, borrow more from it? This would enable us to use part of the newly borrowed funds to make the required payment and squander the balance as we pleased. Of course the amount owed and the interest on it would go up each time we did this, but that wouldn't matter because we always could do the same thing on future due dates . . . like a perpetual motion machine. 

The ceiling on our national debt clearly is only an illusion put in place by our foolish ruling wastrels to convince the gullible among as that there is some limit to the financial burdens they will inflict on future generations. The lack of responsibility is astounding . . . but they know they will be gone, beyond reach and accountability, when the bills ultimately really come due.

Nonetheless, we the voters, let them get away with this instead of erecting warranted scaffolds and guillotines on Capitol Hill.

No wonder they laugh at us with their limited partial budget hangout spending freeze . . .

. . . while their spending express roars onward


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