Friday, April 30, 2010

The War Over the Constitution

Only mostly obscure initial skirmishes have taken place thus far and consequently most Americans are unaware that a major war over the Constitution is getting underway. The Tea Parties are doing a good job of confronting the battle's superficial surface symptoms but far more is needed to deal with the much broader underlying issues.  Unless ordinary citizens become and remain vigorously involved, the contest will remain a clandestine one, waged and decided largely by the nation's legal, academic, media, and political elites . . . and, with a limited number of exceptions, the habitues of those institutions have scant interest in the liberties of ordinary people that are at stake.

It therefore behooves freedom loving citizens to become and continue to be aware and knowledgeable active participants in the debates that will determine the meaning and force that our Constitution will have going forward in the 21st Century.

The issues and the battle lines that are taking shape are outlined in this essay. It's a good starting point.

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