Friday, October 3, 2008

Seeking Help on Media Project

In K.R.'s opinion, the BOM (big old media a.k.a. the mainstream press) has crossed way over the line and become a flagrantly dishonest propaganda megaphone for the Democrat Party and its most extreme left wing elements. It would be an insult to the intelligence of visitors to this blog to cite evidentiary examples of the constant flow of their blatant bias. In addition, they are insufferably condescending to normal Americans.

Despite the disdain and distrust that most people have for the press, it is damaging and dangerous to our society simply because it is the source upon which we rely for, and from which get most of the information we need and use to make our decisions. And a big lie repeated loudly and often enough eventually does have an effect upon the attitudes and thinking of large segments of the public.

K.R. is determined to combat the pernicious effects of the journalistic whores and is seeking the most effective practical ways to do so. As many minds are better than one, your thoughts and suggestions about the best ways to proceed are requested and will be welcome. Please send your ideas to:

Acting together, we should be able to reform or bury them.

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