Thursday, October 2, 2008

Put the Show on the Road and Solve All the Debt and Deficit Problems

Step 1 -- Sell the U.S. Capitol to Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, or Donald Trump for use as a theme park, with the purchase price as well as a percentage of future revenues from the property going to the U.S. Treasury.

Step 2 -- Dress those who have been playing the roles of congressmen and senators in appropriate clown costumes, and buy a couple of the big tents that they're always talking about.

Step 3 -- Put the whole comedy on the road as a traveling show, with the clowns continuing to act in the tents at numerous locations all around the country just as they have been on Capitol Hill. Ticket sales would boom and as the humor of the whole ridiculous thing became apparent the mood of the entire country would improve tremendously. Just think about what the balls to be hurled to dump the Hon. John Dumbshit into the dunk tank sideshow would bring.

Step 4 -- Proceeds from ticket sales would pay off the debt, eliminate the deficit, put the country on a pay-as-you-go basis without any need for taxes, and perhaps even enable the government to pay significant dividend to all American citizens.

Wouldn't that be a great country. It couldn't get any better than that.

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