Thursday, October 30, 2008

Shaming the Shameful Media

Here is a letter that K.R. has sent to the Los Angeles Times in response to that paper's suppression of a video recording that might harm Obama's candidacy -- the latest occurrence in the media's ongoing shielding of the Democrat nominee:

"Inasmuch as the Los Angeles Times, like a great many other big metropolitan newspapers, currently is in the news suppression business, it deserves its downward spiral to extinction that is in progress. The stridently partisan press has forfeited its credibility with the blatant dishonesty of the one-sided bias of its coverage of the current political campaign. The Times and many of its peers no longer serve as reliable sources of information and accordingly have earned their places in what they have made a dying industry. Unfortunately, our society has been significantly damaged by your transformation from a disseminator of news to a propaganda outlet. Other media will fill that role going forward and we will miss only the great newspapers of the distant past."

A short time ago, K.R. asked for suggestions on how to strike back at the propagandizing press, and, with the help of those who responded to that request, a realistically possibly workable and effective plan is being formulated. More about that will be posted after the election.

In the meantime, others who agree with the above letter might consider sending similar ones to the L.A. Times and to other media outlets that deserve to be shamed.

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