Monday, April 27, 2009

From a Distinguished Personal Safety/Security and Firearms Instructor

These comments on ABC's recent anti-gun piece, "If I Only Had a Gun," from a friend who works there:

"When I told the producers that I personally believe in citizens successfully fighting back against violent criminals, they instantly lost interest and declined all further discussion.

"As you say, producers of this Show got their conclusions mixed in with their assumptions, right from the beginning. Non-negotiable assumptions were (as always):

"(1) Americans are too stupid to own guns.

"(2) When armed you'll be always be murdered during a violent incident. There is no chance an idiot like you will ever be able to successfully defend yourself with gunfire.

"(3) Only police (and media bodyguards) are 'good enough' bear arms

"(4) When you cannot escape from an active-murderer, you should meekly submit to being murdered/maimed, because 'being-a-good-victim' is your civic duty.

"Like other anti-gun productions by the mainstream media, the Program was twisted to fit the Marxist agenda of the anti-gun, anti-freedom crowd. Active-murderer simulations were deliberately skewed, so all participants would fail, every time. Facts from real, successful incidents were conveniently omitted.

"In their typical Marxist paranoia, media people regard decent , armed, and trained citizens as a direct threat to them, as they are personally none of the three.

"Good and decent people are never be portrayed as winning. They are only portrayed as victims.

"You can depend on it, and nothing else, from these people."

Comment: To the left-wing media, we Americans make good slaves, but never good citizens!

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