Tuesday, April 14, 2009

K.R. Honored by Federal Government

In a communication to the nation's law enforcement organizations, the Department of Homeland Security has listed numerous criteria for identifying individuals likely to pose potential right wing extremist threats.

To view the report on the communication and a link to the document itself, just click here. Obviously, the criteria are broad and numerous. Taken together, they bring within their ambit anyone who believes in and espouses the nation's traditional values. -- the values enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

Therefore, this lowly blogger is proud to have qualified -- on the brink of entry into his fourth quarter-century of existence on this earth -- as a potential right wing extremist threat under many of the specified criteria. In addition to it being a badge of honor, it is satisfying to know that resources are being diverted by the government from its more harmful activities to keeping an eye on this long-in-the tooth over-the-hill extremist.

Finally, the folks in charge ought to realize that treating people as potential enemies has the potential for turning them into real ones.

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