Thursday, October 8, 2009

Uncommon and Practical Wisdom

"Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Muammar Qaddafi and Vladimir Putin have all praised Barack Obama. When enemies of freedom and democracy praise your president, what are you to think? When you add to this Barack Obama's many previous years of association and alliances with people who hater America -- Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Father Pfleger, etc. -- at what point do you stop denying the obvious and start to connect the dots?"

"After political crusades for 'affordable housing' ended up ruining the housing market and much of the economy with it, many of the same politicians are now carrying on a crusade for 'affordable health care.' But what you can afford has absolutely nothing to do with the cost of producing anything. Refusing to pay those costs means that you are just not going to continue getting the same quantity and quality -- regardless of what any politicians says or how well he says it."

The above are from this current Random Thoughts column by Thomas Sowell in which he once again displays his uncommon practical smarts.

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