Saturday, June 5, 2010

Media Reminder: An Eye Opening Jolt

The leftist bias of the nation's former mainstream media has long been and is so common, relentless, and pervasive that it is understood, accepted, and shrugged off as normal and routine by everyone who retains any critical thinking capabilities. 

It therefore brought me up short when during the past week, in the course of reading an opinion piece on an altogether different subject in The Wall Street Journal, I ran across this almost casual side observation illustrating the depth of our traditional media's one-sided corruption:

In news reporting, it's not unusual to encounter constructions such this AP dispatch from the presidential campaign about Sarah Palin: "She has worshipped at a nondenominational Bible church since 2002, opposes abortion even in cases of rape and incest and supports classroom discussions about creationism"

That's fair as far as it goes. Just once, however, wouldn't it be interesting to see a leading newspaper write something like "Nancy Pelosi, who opposes any restrictions on abortion, even in cases where a pregnant minor is taken across state lines without a parent's permission or where the fetus is halfway out the mother"?

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