Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Once Upon a Time . . . . Long, Long Ago in a Virtuous Land Far, Far Away

Given what we see and hear from our rulers these days it may slip one's mind that not too long ago living simply and frugally, practicing thrift, was thought to be virtuous.

Today profligacy is the rule both in government at every level and among those who run our institutions. Members of the political class urge the rest of us also to be profligate. And they blame the continuing sorry state of the economy on those who practice thrift instead of spending lavishly and living sumptuously as the oligarchs do (at the expense, of course, of the taxpayer funded public treasury).

Popular resistance to such admonishments may indicate that ordinary citizens are returning to the wisdom and virtues of an earlier time even as perpetually ongoing and growing governmental spending sprees demonstrate the degeneracy of our institutions and those who control them.

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