Monday, July 4, 2011

Dubious and Dumb

In another mean spirited move, the anti-Semitic Obama administration has included Israel on a list of potential sources of terrorism.

Including the Jewish state on the list of nations that "promote, produce, or protect" terrorists may be intended to rebut claims that the U.S., through its Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE) is profiling Muslims as Muslims make up a majority of the population in all but five of the 36 listed nations. 

People from the SDCs (specially designated countries) get special scrutiny when entering the U.S. Inflicting this indignity on Israelis serves both the administration's inherent and instinctive anti-Semitism and its politically motivated effort to claim there is a moral equivalency between Israel and the likes of Iran, Pakistan, Somalia, and Sudan. This would be laughable were not the action undermining the credibility and usefulness of the list.

A full report on the action and the complete list of the SDCs can be accessed by clicking here.

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