Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Half Dozen Halfwits Hatch Half Baked Scheme

Our chattering ruling class is euphoric over the idea hatched by the so-called "gang of six" that is supposed to cut the size of government, its unending deficits and its ever expanding indebtedness by -- get this -- giving it a trillion dollars more in taxes with which to play.

The trillion is clearly set forth to come at the front end and, as always, cutbacks are promised but -- except for a fraction of the tax increases -- left to be definitively decided upon and put into effect down the road . . . manana . . . at some future date. There is ample history evidencing that such future savings never are realized.

To know evaluate the bona fides of the scheme one has to know only two things: 

*  First, the composition of the gang from which it emerged. It was bipartisan in that it included three of the United State's Sty's biggest spending progressive Demorats and three of their Republicon (actually RINO) accomplices.

*  Second and not surprisingly, what they have sprung on us, under the guise of justifying a government debt ceiling increase, is viewed with favor by the current occupant of the White House. Of course, as is detailed in this Wall Street Journal analysis, that guy is looking forward to shared sacrifices and painful cutbacks that involve $136 billion in new spending.

Any lackwit who buys into this charade truly belongs in the bridge buying business.

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