Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Obama Deserves Big Thank You

Republicons have their knickers in a somewhat righteous bunch over Obama's crude effort to bring political pressure to bear on them by threatening to withhold Social Security payments to elderly retirees if he doesn't get his way on increasing both taxes and the nation's indebtedness.

If Americans still have any vestiges of common sense they will see for what it is the transparent effort at bludgeoning into submission the GOP, which has a history of standing up for its principles like a tower of jello.

But by turning Theodore Roosevelt's bully pulpit into a shamefully thuggish and bullying one, the Anointed One actually has performed a good deed and rendered a valuable service to the country. He made two things unmistakably clear:

First, he has ripped way the fictitious trust fund curtain and revealed the actual nature of Social Security as nothing but a governmental Ponzi scheme. So much for the mythical trust fund into which Americans have been and are continuing to be compelled to deposit their money throughout their working lives. 

Second, he has demonstrated to one and all that he and the rest of our political ruling class puts a higher priority on having the government pay off debts to its foreign and financial institution lenders than on meeting the nation's obligations to ordinary citizens whose Social Security 'contributions' the rulers have been syphoning off for their own purposes for decades.

Thank you Mr. President. Thank you very much indeed.

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