Tuesday, July 12, 2011

White House Journalouse Confesses to Double Standard

You know, anytime Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann, you know, misplaces an adjective, we know about it and we cover it in the media. And, you know, this thing that the President did, and, obviously it was a mistake . . . .  He was at the 10th Mountain at Fort Drum and he mistakenly said that he had given one [the Medal of Honor] to Sargent First Class Jared Monti, when actually Monti was the one of the two Medals of Honor he’s given that was given posthumously. Monti died in Gowardesh, northeast Afghanistan in 2006. That’s a big, uncomfortable mistake. And I don’t think that that got the same kind of coverage as, you know, when Sarah Palin got Paul Revere’s ride . . . .  There’s no reason why the Medal of Honor mistake should have gotten less attention than Michele Bachmann.

. . . ABC’s Jake Tapper 
On The Dennis Miller Show, June 27
(ABC News has yet to cover Obama’s Medal of Honor blunder on one of their newscasts. )

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