Wednesday, December 17, 2008

You Are Your Own First Responder II

The 'incident' described below again proves that ultimately you and only you can protect yourself.

No matter what anyone does or says!

You truly must take responsibility for being you own "First Responder." Everyone else -- even the Secret Service in the case of the President -- is and aways will be too late!

15 Dec 08

"Secret Service Failure?

"We were treated today to videos of a 'reporter' at a Baghdad new conference, throwing a shoe at the U.S. President yesterday, and then throwing a second shoe, again at the President, moments later!

"President Bush, in yet another surprise visit to the War Zone, gets militantly assaulted by a local goof, who, as it turns out, has a reputation for violence.

"The screening process should keep miscreants like this one out of throwing-distance from the President, but, realistically, I suppose our President may have to dodge a thrown object now and then.

"What I can't understand is why he was compelled to dodge two!

"Why didn't the second thrown shoe hit a Secret Service Special Agent? Why was not the President instantly shielded and then unceremoniously ushered out of there? If they're going to just stand there while the President dodges missiles, neither protecting him, nor abrogating the threat, I'm wondering why we even have a Secret Service Presidential Protective Detail!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Protecting the President is only a secondary purpose of his Secret Service Protective Detail. It's primary purpose is to impress the world with the importance, majesty, and power of the office. It's largely a theatrical performance and mostly a comedy if not a complete farce.