Friday, May 27, 2011

Political Timidity

What currently passes for political leadership in the U.S. seems to be terrified by, and passive in the face of the deficits and debts they have created. Unwilling to do what clearly is necessary, our "leaders" go on as they have in past except, in a very few instances, for a bit of tinkering at the fringes.

Were our elites not paralyzed by the crisis into which they have led us, they quickly could enable free Americans to restore the magnificent economic machine that built the U.S. into the most prosperous nation and powerful financial power the world had ever seen. This could be done not by cutting and snipping but by immediately and in one stroke eliminating all:

*  Foreign aid,

*  Contributions and payments to the United Nations, and

*  Federal agencies, departments, activities, and rules and regulations not contemplated and provided for by the Constitution.

It's a matter of having the political courage and will to stop doing business as has become usual.

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