Saturday, May 28, 2011

Significant News Absent From Leftrickle Media

With all the glowing Leftrickle Media reports of the "warm welcome" our Chosen One has been getting in Poland, they somehow have failed to let Americans in on the news that the man who led the movement that freed Poland from the rule of the Soviet Union and its stooges spurned an invitation to meet with our President.

That's right, Lech Walesa, who led the Polish Solidarity movement with exemplary courage, intelligence, and integrity, chose not to sit down with our Anointed One. His largely unreported refusal to do so and why he refused is spelled out in this report from Investors Business Daily.

What does it say about us for having chosen as our president an individual with whom a true moral leader does not wish to deal? And what does the lack of reporting on, and examination of this occurrence say about our traditional media?How do you supposed the press would have handled a similar rebuff and snub of George Bush?  

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