Monday, June 13, 2011

The Obama Doctrine: "We Don't Need No Stinkin' Declaration of War"

The Obama administration is claiming the right to use America's military as an executive branch instrument when, where, and how it chooses notwithstanding that the Constitution vests Congress and Congress alone -- not the executive branch -- with the right to declare war.

Such a claim, as reported here, would have shocked and been forcefully rejected by not just the nation's founders but by virtually all Americans as recently as just a generation or two back. That it now is being accepted or going almost unnoticed is due to the nation's having tolerated decades of repeated violations of the Constitution that Americans once celebrated, cherished, and held sacred. The degradation of, and disregard for the nation's basic and fundamental law probably has been the inevitable result for our having repeatedly elected to governmental offices individuals who perjure themselves when they take their oaths of office. They falsely swear to uphold, protect, and defend the Constitution when in fact they have no intention of doing so. In most cases they have neither any knowledge of, or interest in learning what the Constitution says or means.

Make no mistake about it. What we're being told by our overlords is: We'll do as we please, whatever we can get away with, and


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