Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Truth Hiding Media

Our old line mainstream -- now morphed into the leftrickle -- media have taken on the task of shielding Americans from politically incorrect information.

Accordingly, you are unlikely to find in these supposed news outlets anything about this reported survey that found more than 80 per cent of American mosques -- that, not so incidentally, are proliferating and being supported by our government -- engaged in fostering terrorism.

Another example was provided by the guy who last weekend was caught carrying explosives or their components while creeping around the Pentagon, causing a lockdown, evacuations, roadblocks, etc., in the area was -- guess what -- a Muslim. But that shocking fact wasn't mentioned in the media which insist that we look to them for essential information. The creeping creep has been identified in a wide variety of other ways, all of them irrelevant, such as his being a Marine reservists, a native of Ethiopia . . . and on and on, with nary a mention of his very relevant religion.

Still another example was provided by the opprobrium that was directed by the ruling class toward one of their own, John McCain, who, imitating the stopped clock that is right once a day, had the temerity to publicly point out the existence of indications that illegal immigrants are responsible for the massive  wild fires that have been devastating vast areas of Arizona.

Some things are so commonly and obviously true that they should be universally assumed in the absence of compelling evidence to the contrary.  This is especially so in instances such as those described above in which the leftrickle media guardians of political correctness never will report that any of those for whom they provide perpetual cover and protection -- such as Muslims, illegal immigrants, and liberals --are responsible for anything reprehensible.

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