Thursday, August 18, 2011

Beware of the Cogitator and the Nonsensical Vacation Ploy

With our economy sinking into stagflation, the nation's purported leader has gone off on vacation. He is delaying until he returns to the White House the unveiling of his proposed solution to the mess he has created . 

This would make no sense and be unimaginably cruel if he actually had a plan or even any ideas for getting the nation out of the financial morass into which he has steered it.

The vacation is understandable only as a necessary excuse for a delay to give the President and his advisors time to come up with something that can be made to appear feasible.  The vital question is the end toward which the plan will be designed. 

It is a almost certain that what he and his minions will be trying to hatch while he is ensconced in his luxurious Martha's Vineyard vacation digs,  (between rounds of golf at tony country clubs) will be a political rather than an economic plan.

The Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve already have expended everything in their arsenals in their past failed efforts to stem the nation's economic decline. Their weapons proved to be inadequate to counter the effects of (i) decades of overspending by the government, (ii) the huge deficit and accumulated debt, (iii) gross overregulation, (iv) a tax system that is unreasonably burdensome, grotesquely over complex, and inexorably becoming ever more so, and (v) justified widespread apprehension about what the increasingly large and intrusive government might impose next on the country and its productive capacity.

An economic resurgence would require dramatic and radical reversals of these statist afflictions. That isn't going to happen. Such reversals would lessen the power of the nation's ruling elites. It would be particularly abhorrent to the ideologically committed but economically ignorant former community organizer who occasionally occupies the White House these days. 

Therefore, instead of engaging in the difficult task of thinking deeply about the economy, he's cogitating about politics . . . something at which he is reasonably adept. He and his gang of looters will be trying to fashion something that will put his political opponents into a no-win trap.

What can be expected to come out of the process will make no sense economically. But it will be something made to appear attractive and promising, and to blur, if not totally obscure, its requiring still more spending by the government of money that it doesn't have.

Its primary purpose will be to put Obama into a position that will enable him and his fellow Demorats to blame and vilify the Republicons for the debacle that will continue and probably worsen irrespective of whether the plan is adopted and implemented, modified, or rejected. 

As noted above, Obama is pretty good at politics. 

It behooves all of us to recognize the realities of what is taking place and what is coming. And the Republicons would do well to beware of, and to prepare for what's going to be coming out of Martha's Vineyard.

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