Tuesday, August 16, 2011

It's Not Just In Africa That They're Rioting

Across the pond the oh so civilized Brits are reaping the riotous rewards -- hooligans running amuck in  wave after wave of indiscriminate looting, burning, and destruction -- of their politically correct policies:

*  They've gone soft on crime. Laws are viewed as mild suggestions or mere recommendations. Breaking them usually is penalized only rarely or laughably lightly.  Punishment for criminal conduct has come to be viewed as a barbaric and brutal relic of the past.

*  The populace has been disarmed, rendering individuals unable to defend themselves, their families and their property.

*  In addition, effective self defense has been criminalized. Those who dare to engage in it are even subject to far greater punishment than the real criminals against whom they defend themselves.

The result is social disintegration toward which the Brits have been sinking for decades during which it has been politically and socially incorrect to suggest acting to halt the slide, or even to openly take note of it.

Meanwhile, the U.S., is a few steps behind England. It nonetheless is continuing down the same degenerative path.  The nation's nominal leaders and media assiduously avoid public recognition of the problem even as riots spread and grow ever more destructive and violent in, around, and from America's rotting old inner cities.

It currently is virtually impossible to deal with the problem in any direct and effective systemic manner because many of the rampagers are black. Nobody want to risk being called a racist. Therefore our so-called leaders and our equally despicable and cowardly media cower in their protected enclaves. They assiduously avoid not only any counteractions but also any public mention or acknowledgment of the mounting dangers to which their paralysis and silence is exposing the public and its members. 

No society that through social and politically strictures prevents open public discussion of a problem ever will be capable of effectively dealing with, and resolving that problem.

Fortunately, Philadelphia's black mayor is daring to put his career on the line by taking the initiative and breaching the existing strictures. He is leading a crackdown on the lawless thugs and opening an attack on their antisocial lifestyles, as reported by the estimable Thomas Sowell in this admirable essay aimed at opening up overdue broad public discussions of the too long verboten subject  

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