Saturday, August 13, 2011

Confessions of an Unabashed Tea Party Supporter (and Occasional Participant)

Yes, I am angry . . . furious in fact. I want the nation's budget to be brought into balance right now. Government should limit its spending to what it is taking in. I have neither any interest nor confidence in ethereal plans or fanciful programs to supposedly balance the budget a decade from now or at any illusory future time.

It is my strongly held opinion that:

*  It is wrong, immoral, and destructive for Americans and the government to be consuming goods and services while foisting the attendant costs onto our children, grand children, great grandchildren, and all unborn future generations.

*  Politicians who pose as leaders and do this are either stupid or evil or a combination of both those things. They are disgusting and reprehensible creatures who should be removed and permanently barred from positions of authority, and they deserve to be ostracized and shunned if not tarred and feathered or otherwise publicly humiliated.

*  Voters who do not understand the foregoing and act accordingly should be recognized and treated as the stupid and/or selfish individuals they are. 

Furthermore, I favor decreasing rather than increasing tax rates on anyone other than those not paying taxes at all. Spending can and should be limited to revenues by slashing the size of scope of government to conform to the Constitution. Doing that would have the added benefit of taming, or at least leashing what has become a gigantic, intrusive and obstreperous bullying monster. 

Insofar as taxes are concerned, all citizens should pay them. As things stand now, too many people are riding the wagon for free and too few people are bearing the overly heavy burden of pulling it.


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