Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Unbounded Display of Hypocrisy by Strangely Disconnected Liberal Politicians

The same smarmy politicians who, along with their media satraps, have been braying loudly about the need for civility in political discourse now are calling citizens who disagree with their statist views "terrorists," "domestic terrorists," "extortionists" "hostage takers," "racists," "Taliban Republicans," etc.

That's the civil manner with which they are referring to participants in the nation's Tea Party movement.

The resort to name calling and efforts to demonize citizens who dare to oppose the statists' looting agenda reflects the angry desperation of politicians whose support is crumbling as it becomes clear that they are bereft of ideas and have nothing to offer other than the ever growing tax and constituency buying programs that have brought the nation to the brink of ruin. 

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